Friday, January 28, 2011


Alhamdulillah.. my Z entry is finally here. I dont have so much knowledge on sewing to share. However I want to share the formula I always use for sewing blouse or maxi or jubah or kid gown. I bought this non-cotton fabric when I shop for the first time at JAKEL, Shah Alam. A 60" width of floral panel. I love the flower because it resembles sakura.

I used my cotton jubah as the refereed pattern. That jubah was tailored made. The fabric was bought from India (gift from my MIL). I love the embroidery very much and the colour too. So, you need to cut the body part accordingly plus 1.5 cm for seam allowance.

These are the important parts in order to have a comfy dress. The shoulder and armscye parts. Here is the first tip. For the front part of the body piece, the curvy of the armscye cut has to be more than the back part of the body piece.

In this picture, the one at the front is the front side of the body piece.

Then it comes to shoulder part. The front side of the body piece should be cut more steeper than the back side of the body piece.

The one at the front is the back side of the body piece.

This is the most challenging part. Normally I sketch the line according to measurement and with some instinct (agak-agak ok dan cukup keruk)

After cutting the arm piece according to the sketched line, remove or cut a little bit to get more curvy shape as in the following picture. The part that is more curvy should be the front side of the arm part.

I love this type of arm cutting (ruffle type). Just like the previous blouse that I made. It should look like this.

Follow this simple step to make the ruffle part. I only sew at the middle part of the ruffle piece. Increase the seam distanse as maximum as you can in order to get a loose seam.

Pull the thread (the bottom ones) to get this ruffle and sew it to the other arm piece as shown in the above picture. Use the same approach to get a puffy shoulder area.

This is the final stage for the arm part. My favourite knitted lace.

And it should look like this ;))))))))))

Annnndddd here you are!!!.. My new maxi. I am wearing 'her' right now... All of my friends love her very much.. wink-wink... (just to boost up my FRIDAY mood)

Oh dear.. she cannot fit on the manequin. I should put on weight then.

The challanging part is to sew the bottom part of the maxi as it is a little bit curvy. I need more practice on this part for a neat finishing. Also To write this entry in English is soooo difficult for me because I am not used to the technical term in sewing. (plus I always get tips from granny and my mom-the terms are all in Malay.. hihihi). Normally I learn from visual rather than reading. So I tend to forget most of the sewing terminology. I promise I will try to be more focus with the sewing term from now on. Happy weekend all!!!


MyBotanG said...

really beautiful jubah Fit. Wished you would put a pic of you in it as well.. thanks for the tutorial on the sleeves.. love the puffy bits.. I'm soo behind on Msian trends now.. *sigh*

Nuno Lady said...

Tq sue.. hihi I will try to do the pose..
Dont worry maybe you should start sewing for hari raya ;D

peace said...

lepas ni boleh lah jahit baju kurung pesak gantung pulak ;)

Nuno Lady said...

hi peace.. dah masuk dalam list to do.. baru jer habis gunting ;))